
IPM, Irrigation, Soils, Technology, Innovations

IPM for Ants & Mealybugs (DPR & CCA)

  • Managing Argentine ants in coastal vineyards: Dr. Monica Cooper, UC Farm Advisor, UC Davis
  • Fitting mating disruption into an effective and economical vine mealybug management program: Kent Daane, Nathan Mercer, Brian Hogg, and Monica Cooper, Cooperative Extension Specialist, University of California Berkeley

IPM for Rodents & Birds (DPR & CCA)

  • Autonomous ground-tethered drones in agricultural pest bird management: Dr. Zihao Wang, Post Doctoral Researcher, University of Sydney
  • An integrated approach to managing burrowing rodents:  Dr. Roger Baldwin, Wildlife Specialist, UC Davis

Pesticide Laws & Regulations (DPR & CCA)

  • Pesticide Application Compliance (F&A Code 12973, 3CCR6700s, 6614, 6670, 6684): Angelina Ceja, Director of Education, AgSafe
  • Tips and Tools about the Worker Protection Standard (WPS): Dr. Kaci Buhl, Board Co-chair, Pesticide Educational Resources Collaborative 

IPM for Trunk Disease and Nematode Control (DPR & CCA)

  • Controlling Grapevine Trunk Diseases: Dr. Akif Eskalen, Cooperative Extension Specialist Plant Pathologist, UC Davis
  • Mitigating impacts of plant-parasitic nematodes in vineyards: Dr. Andreas Westphal, Associate Professor, Kearney Ag Center, UC Riverside

Botrytis and Powdery Mildew: Identification, Treatment, and Alternative Methods for Control (DPR & CCA)

  • Artificial intelligence and robotics for grape disease research and management: Dr. Yu Jiang, Assistant Research Professor, Cornell University
  • Botrytis Bunch Rot: Who, Where, When, and What to use? Alexander Wong, Graduate Student, Oregon State University
  • Managing powdery mildew and Botrytis bunch rot of wine grape in Central Coast: Dr. Shunping Ding, Assistant Professor, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
  • Illuminating grape disease management: Germicidal ultraviolet light tool to suppress powdery mildew: Alexander Wong, Graduate Student, Oregon State University

Pollinator Protection & Beneficials for Vineyard IPM Programs (DPR & CCA)

  • Ecology and Chemistry Factors of Pollinator Protection: Cameron Newell & Liz Robertson, Xerces & Sara Frazer, Monterey Pacific Vineyards
  • Beneficials as an IPM Strategy in Vineyards: Brett Chandler, President, Associates Insectary

Vineyard Weed & Floor Management (DPR & CCA)

  • Thinking beyond silver bullet technologies for weed management in California vineyards: Dr. Anil Shrestha, Professor, Fresno State University
  • Grazing as an alternative to chemical floor management: Dr. Liz Carlisle, Assistant Professor, UC Santa Barbara & Kelly Mulville, Holistic Viticulturist, Paicines Ranch

Vine Mealybug & Virus Management- A Grower Panel (Live Webinar November 17) (DPR & CCA)

  • Grower experiences in VMB management: Erin Amaral, Pacific Coast Farming; Charlie Hamilton, GroWest; Bart Haycraft, Nutrien Ag Solutions

Climate Considerations and Tools for Pest Management (DPR & CCA)

  • Climate change impacts on agricultural pests in California, Dr. Tapan Pathak, Cooperative Extension Specialist, UC Merced

Understanding Pesticide Restrictions When Making Pest Management Decisions (DPR & CCA)

  • Environmental Initiatives in Key Export Markets, Dr. Katherine Bedard, International Trade Policy, Wine Institute

Weed Management- A Grower Panel (Live Webinar November 17)(DPR & CCA)

  • Growers with over 50 years of experience discuss their approaches to weed and floor management

Updates in IPM (DPR & CCA)

  • Biological pest control by drone in vineyards: Andreas Neuman, CEO, UAV-IQ Precision Agriculture Biocontrol
  • Development of vibrational control methods for grapevine pests in California: Rodrigo Kruger, Research Entomologist, United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service
  • Year-Round Vine Mealybug IPM in Vineyards: Dr. Emily Symmes, Technical Field Manager, Suterra

Harvest Recap & Looking Forward at the Grape and Wine Market (Live Webinar November 17)

  • Harvest recap: where do the grape and wine markets go from here? Jeff Bitter, President, Allied Grape Growers

Tools, Technology & Innovation in Vineyard Irrigation Management (CCA)

  • Irrigation strategy and technology: Randy Heinzen, Owner, Vineyard Professional Services, Dr. Tom Shapland, President, Tulie Technologies
  • Sub Surface Irrigation In Vineyards: Jean Pierre Wolff, Owner, Wolff Vineyards

Managing for Vineyard Soil Health & Quality (CCA)

  • Managing for Soil Health and Quality in the Vineyard: Dr. Karl Wyant, VP of Ag Science, Heliae Agriculture

The Efficient Vineyard Project (CCA)

  • Using Current Spatial Sensor Information for Variable Rate Vineyard Management: Dr. Terry Bates, Senior Research Associate, Cornell University

Strategies to Face Challenges (CCA)

  • Problems Are Opportunities In Disguise: Marcus Wickham, Managing Director, Klima
  • Mechanization of Pruning, Canopy Management and Harvest in Winegrape Vineyards: Dr. Kaan Kurtural, Cooperative Extension Specialist in Viticulture, UC Davis

Grower Research & Resources (CCA)

  • Sustaining viticulture Research: How Priority Projects Get Started and Funded Donnell Brown, Executive Director, National Grape Research Alliance - NGRA
  • NRCS Funding Programs for Grower Implementation of Conservation Practices: Hilary Phillips, District Conservationist, NRCS San Luis Obispo County